Friday, September 12, 2008

Its been a while

I never expected to be in the position I am in now, but I have to say it's working for me. Life has its share of ups and downs, and while I imagined the worst, things are actually going really well.

My junior foodie has started day care and she absolutely loves it. I really had hoped to be in business by now, but leaving my home and an almost 8 year relationship and having to put all of my worldly possessions, including all of my cookware and cookbooks, in storage and only taking with me my pantry essentials has made it challenging to get things off the ground. But I will make this happen once I am more settled and I am confident everything will work out. It's been tough to blog since the only time I get on the computer is at work - and I'm usually too busy to consider things of a personal nature. So until I have more spare time, my blogging will be on will my new business. I'm looking forward to the positive changes that this shift will incur.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you still experimenting with the Stella D'oro egg biscuit recipe?